Thursday, December 26, 2019
Marilyn Monroe Borderline Personality Disorder - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1371 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/08/02 Category People Essay Level High school Topics: Marilyn Monroe Essay Did you like this example? Marilyn Monroe Disorder: Borderline Personality Disorder Thesis Statement: Marilyn Monroes candle burned out long before her legend ever did (Elton John. Goodbye Norma Jeane). Marilyn Monroe, a well-known legend, was a public figure for several decades. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Marilyn Monroe: Borderline Personality Disorder" essay for you Create order Monroe was an actress, model, and singer. She began her career as a model, which led to a film contract with Twentieth Century Fox in 1946. She then went on to start in many successful motion pictures during the late 1940s and early 1960s. Throughout her career, Monroe had roles in 23 films which grossed more than $200 million since her debut in 1950 (AE Television Networks). Although she was a highly well-known legend, she soon became known for something other than her ability to act. Monroe swiftly became known to the public for her behavior and eccentric actions; she eventually was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder which is a mental illness marked by an outgoing pattern of varying moods, self-image, and behavior. These symptoms often result in impulsive actions and problems in relationships. People with borderline personality disorder may experience intense episodes of anger, depression, and anxiety. (Borderline Personality Disorder). Monroe ended her depression and a nxiety along with her future when she overdosed on chloral hydrate enema, a sleeping pill, and died at the age of 36. History of Psychological Disorder: Borderline Personality Disorder was first discovered in 1938 by Adolph Stern. The study began with him identifying a group of patients who had no response to classical psychoanalytic treatment. Stern described these people and their manifesting symptoms as being on the line between neurosis and psychosis, and therefore labeled them the borderline group(Wilderkt). Treatment methods of BPD in 1938 included dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) which incorporated techniques of validation and the concept of acceptance to a cognitive behavioral therapy. Another treatment method was Schema-Focused Therapy; this treatment method was developed for personality-disorder patients who did not respond to standard cognitive-behavioral therapy. Both methods explicitly address the borderline patients typical treatment-interfering behaviors so that his or her responses were not overactive. Today, we can conclude that Borderline Personality Disorder is a common mental disorder characterized by unstable moods, behavior, and relationships. Although the cause of BPD is unknown, it can still be treated with talk therapy, and in some cases, medication.  Prevalence Biological Relationship of Psychological Disorder: Borderline Personality Disorder, a dominant trait, is officially diagnosed in early adulthood. BPD is often caused by certain traumatic childhood experiences such as emotional, physical, or sexual abuse as well as loss, neglect, and/or bullying and the prevalence of borderline personality disorder is estimated to be 5.9% of the population, 75% of whom are white women (American Psychiatric Association). Marilyn Monroe experienced a disrupted, loveless, and neglectful childhood. She was born to a mentally unstable mother who gave her up to a foster family because she suffered from Schizophrenia. She was then put in an orphanage in Los Angeles, where she was molested by her mothers new husband. She spent twelve years of her life in and out of foster homes and orphanages. Marilyn possessed this disorder through years of loss, neglect, and lovelessness. Cultural Perspectives: Hispanics and African Americans both view Borderline Personality Disorder and its treatment methods in a somewhat similar way. In the Hispanic community, individuals are skeptical and hesitant about seeking out therapy or professional mental health service. Usually if they do so, it is a last resort. If he or she does seek out help for their problem, they hide it. Within the Hispanic community there is a misconception that visiting a mental health professional means that the person is crazy, or that something is terribly wrong with him or her (Daisy Novoa Vasquez). Therefor the idea for seeking help is either put off as a last resort or nonexistent. The African American culture prefers to use the bible and their religion as a method of coping with the stress and troubles that come with having a personality disorder, Therefore, many African Americans view seeking treatment for mental health as less culturally acceptable. They believe that if they see a thera pist they may be seen as spiritually weak by the people close to them(Erlanger A. Turner Ph.D.). In both the Hispanic and African American culture, prayer is used as a treatment to cope with the disorder as well as stress and troubles. Symptoms: Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder include antisocial behavior, fear of abandonment, unstable relationships, impulsive behavior, self-harm, extreme emotional swings, a chronic feeling of emptiness, explosive anger, and suicidal thoughts (Dina Cagliostro, PhD). Someone with BPD can have many mood swings in the course of a day, whereas most people will only experience one or two major emotional shifts in the course of a week. Through adolescence and adulthood symptoms tend to reduce over time. Marilyns symptoms included a feeling of emptiness, a split identity, extreme emotional volatility, unstable relationships, and an impulsivity that drove her to drug addiction and suicide. Treatments: Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) focuses on the concept of mindfulness to the present emotion. DBT teaches skills to control intense emotions, reduce self-destructive behavior, manage distress, and improve relationships. DBT was designed specifically to treat BPD. Treatment includes individual therapy sessions, skills training in a group setting, and phone coaching as needed. DBT is the most studied treatment for BPD and the one shown to be most effective because it uses a skill based approach to teach you how to manage your stress and improve your relationships. Another method of treatment, known as transference-focused therapy (TFP) is designed to help patients understand their emotions and interpersonal problems through the relationship between the patient and therapist. Patients then apply the insights they learn to other situations. Marilyn used reading and writing poetry as a way to cope with BPD as well as self motivation to further her career. She also used slee ping pills and alcohol as a coping method. Rather than coping to her disorder using substances, Monroe could have gone to dialectical behavior therapy or transference-focused therapy. Societal Perspectives: Although many praised Marilyn Monroe for her ability to act, after diagnosed with Borderline Personality disorder, many viewed her as a misfit to society. BPD is a mental illness that tends to carry a burden and is often shrouded. Borderline individuals are often perceived as self-harming, socially awkward, eccentric individuals who dont fit into society. After she committed suicide, not only was Marilyn looked at as a misfit but she was also bashed and looked down at upon society. Borderline Personality Disorder is a disorder society should not identify and only under certain circumstances should one recommend treatment for individuals with BPD. One should only recommend treatment for a BPD patient if they have experience working with this disorder, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist. One could also share treatment recommendations for a BPD patient (Patient 1) if the person willing to share recommendations is suffering with BPD themselves and properly treating it (Patient 2).  Patient 2, who is currently suffering with BPD but properly treating it could kindly reach out to Patient 1 who has maybe not seeked others help to cope with BPD. Patient 2 could share what personally worked best for them and how much it helped them in the hopes of influencing Patient 1 to get proper treatment. It has been seen that over the past decade, various groups have formed to help move the BPD agenda forward and to bring hope to individuals with BPD. First, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has worked intensively to augment the focus on BPD research. Also, the Borderline Personality Disorder Research Foundation, a private foundation, has joined the research effort and provided funding for projects both in the United States and abroad. In addition, the National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder with support from NIMH has convened five national and 14 regional conferences on BPD. And lastly, the BPD Resource Center provides a free service t o callers and has developed and maintains a list of treatment referrals as well as informational brochures on the disorder (Perry D. Hoffman, Ph.D). Conclusion: While for many, Marilyn Monroe was a well-known legend for her acting, behind her breathtaking beauty and her magnetism, was a complex and troubled woman. This iconic actress suffered from Borderline Personality Disorder.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Cell Phone Technology Essay - 2791 Words
â€Å"Whether we use cell phone technology at work, in public, or for personal reasons it all contributes to how connected we feel to other people and to our daily obligations.†(Hanson) Take a walk down any major city in the world Rio de Janeiro, Moscow, Mumbai, Shanghai, or New York City and you will most likely find someone attached to their cell phone or blackberry. The number of cell phone subscribers world wide reached 4.6 billion at the end of 2009 and estimates show a growth rate of one billion cell phone subscribers per year. (Wong) Secretary General Dr. Hamadoun Toure of The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) is â€Å"confident we will continue to see a rapid uptake in mobile cellular services in 2010, with many more people†¦show more content†¦With this type of technology at your disposal you can take your work and personal life with you everywhere you go at all times. For those individuals who have a full day of tasks ahead of them it is safe to say they do not leave their smartphones at home. The smartphone represents a convergent new media technology that is both a two-way communication medium and a novel one-to-many information source. (Wei) The speed at which we communicate and share information through the use of smartphones is astounding. Mobile networks have gone through several upgrades, from analog to digital signals.The data transfer rate has increased from 9.6 kilobits per second to 171 kilobits per second.(Wong) But what does all of this really mean? It basically means that people are now able to connect to one another and share information at a much faster rate than ever before. This is great news for those who travel frequently and demand access to instant information at their finger tips at all times. There are two choices you can make in today’s hectic hustle and bustle culture; get with the times or get left in the dust. It seems everywhere you go someone is talking on their cell phone. The cultu re of communicating via telephone has become less private and more public in terms of its use. Whether you are on the bus, in the supermarket, in the park, in you car, or any other public place youShow MoreRelatedCell Phone Technology1488 Words  | 6 PagesCell Phone Technology The cell phone technology that is ever changing by the day was scientifically invented and born back in the early 1980’s. Science was the main key to the birth of the cell phone which was put together by the Motorola Company who today is still making cell phones. Before the cell phone came out the car phone was the first mobile phone which were very large and had to be hooked up to a briefcase which supplied the power for the mobile phone. Science was the utilized to createRead MoreTechnology And The Cell Phone3727 Words  | 15 Pagescarry the most ubiquitous personal electronic device with us wherever we may roam. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Cuban Missile Crisi Essay Research Paper The free essay sample
Cuban Missile Crisi Essay, Research Paper The Cuban Missile Crisis is one of the most tense and scariest periods in our state # 8217 ; s and the universe # 8217 ; s history. The universe was literally on the threshold of atomic obliteration. Once once more the different political orientations of the United States of America and the Soviet Union had led them to confrontation merely this clip it could hold had much more serious effects. There are literally 1000s of web sites that trade with this issue. The two sites I found the most interesting are 14 Dayss in October and The Cuban Missile Crisis. 14 Dayss in October was the most fun and enlightening site I visited. The home page for the site is called Operations Center. It has a image of John F. Kennedy, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev and Cuban Dictator Fidel Castro pasted over a image of Cuba. From this page there are several links that let you research the crisis in deepness. We will write a custom essay sample on Cuban Missile Crisi Essay Research Paper The or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The included links are the Crisis Room, the Briefing Room, the Sit Room, the Major Players, the Recon Room and the Debriefing Room. A brief description of each nexus is as follows: The Crisis Room is the chief yarn through the site. You will happen an in-depth history of the crisis and analysis of the Crisis. The Briefing Room has a ten-minute RealAudio narrative and a condensed version of the chief way. The Godheads of the site list this as the nexus to see if you merely go into one room. After sing this site you are instructed to see the debriefing room and to take a quiz to prove your cognition. The Sit Room contains transcripts of existent letters exchanged between Khrushchev and Kennedy. It besides includes sound cartridge holders from an EX-COMM meeting and Kennedy # 8217 ; s October 22 address. The Major Players link takes a expression at the chief characters involved and the grounds for their engagement. The nexus includes biographical information on the of import decision-makers and how and why they were involved with the crisis. The Recon Room contains existent reconnaissance exposure that Kennedy and his advisers viewed during the crisis. The site besides contains specs and images of planes, missile and launch sites. The Debriefing Room was of peculiar involvement it allows you to inquire any inquiries you may hold about the crisis and to post your ain ideas o n the crisis. There is a quiz included to prove your cognition on this intense state of affairs. 14 Dayss in October is a site I recommend to anyone with an involvement in the Cuban Missile Crisis or the Cold War in general. Not merely is it enlightening, it is besides capturing with the different positions provided of the events transpirating during that clip. It # 8217 ; s RealAudio playback of events and the quiz at the terminal to prove your cognition are added fillips. Cuban Missile Crisis is another really enlightening site on the Cold War. Not merely does it give the United States, the Soviet Union and Cuba # 8217 ; s side of the narrative it besides takes a expression from Turkey and the UN # 8217 ; s position. The site includes several links to other sites on the web. One of the included sites is the 14 Dayss in October mentioned above. Some of the other links with brief descriptions are: The US Foreign Policy Documents site list links to American foreign policy paperss related to the Cuban Missile Crisis. The National Security Archive nexus is a nexus to an independent non-governmental research institute and library located at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. The Archive collects and publishes declassified paperss acquired through the Freedom of Information Act ( FOIA ) . Persons can look into the authorities # 8217 ; s function in events that at one clip was classified. Corporate Memories is a nexus that that persons use to depict their memories from the Cuban Missile event. These are non disposal people but a wide scope of persons from all walks of life. Included in these are the memories of people that were anything from in-between school pupils to military forces at that clip. Nikita Khrushchev # 8217 ; s memoirs include a scanned transcript in Russian of a Khrushchev # 8217 ; s facsimile to Kennedy. It besides includes the English interlingual rendition. The site includes several other links to events related to the crisis that any pupil or history fan would happen interesting when covering with the Missile Crisis or with U.S. # 8211 ; Soviet dealingss during this epoch and the Cold War in general. I found it peculiarly interesting to read the ideas of people from the general populace who # 8217 ; s good being was tied to the result of this event. I would urge this site to anyone looking for a beginning on the Cold War.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Teamwork and Motivation Woowooo Inc.
Introduction As technology penetrates all areas of business operations, companies are gradually replacing tens of workers with single unit systems (Ambrose and Kulik, 1999). However, with a reduction in the number of workers, the motivation levels of the remaining employees go down. This in turn affects their level of output and the quality of work done.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Teamwork and Motivation: Woowooo Inc. specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For a company to continue making an impact as a business establishment, it needs to come up with a committed motivational plan, which will ensure that production is not negatively affected by a destruction of the organizational culture and employee de-motivation. This essay seeks to develop a motivation plan for Woowooo Inc., a small company that produces widgets. The motivation plan that will be developed is aimed at ascertaining job satisfaction among the employees, reducing turnover, increasing productivity and ensuring that the quality of work done is high. Background Woowoo Inc. is a manufacturing company that manufactures a commodity, widgets. In a bid to keep the operation costs low, the company maintains a lean workforce of only 50, working across the all the four departments-sales, assembly, technology and administration. Assembly, being at the core of production has the biggest chunk of workers, 35, while the other departments have three workers each. Because of the increasing demand, the workers in the production department have been forced to work longer hours, with their workload having gone up significantly. This is the primary reason as to why the number of defective products exiting the production chain is going up. Motivational plan In order to ensure that the initial high quality of production is reclaimed, a number of things need to be done. First, as the proprietor of the company, it is imperative that I accept that the amount of work being done has gone up significantly and that the current number of employees cannot sustain the desired production levels (Outram and Gilbert, 2003). Therefore, the main first step of action will be to recruit more workers, particularly in the production department. With the entry of new workers, the next part of the motivation plan is to create a working schedule that will see the workers give the best output throughout the production and marketing process. Currently, the employees work up to 12 hours per day in order to sustain the increased demand for our product.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, most of them work at their optimum levels of concentration for the first six hours and then slow off for the remaining time. Getting new workers on board will see the number of hours individuals work per day go down, while increasing the quality and quantity of produced widgets. Another key change that needs to be instituted in the company is the socialization space. As things are currently, employees across the departments rarely meet to socialize. To counter this, monthly parties will be introduced, but they will be dependent on performance. This being an idea that will require some considerable expenditure will start of slow, with the employees sharing pizza and soft drinks. Later, with more targets being met, the entertainment can be ramped up. These parties will enable the employees know each other at a personal level, something that will help them work more effectively, because they will regard each other as friends, rather than co-working strangers. It is worth noting that this motivation plan does not involve increasing the salaries of existing employees. This stems from the premise that money is not always the primary motivating factor in the success of a company. Employees need to feel more comfortable an d appreciated in order to give their optimum levels of performance. Motivating employees On way of motivating all employees in a company is through offering payments that are in tandem with the qualifications of the employees and the amount of work done. Employees will offer more when they do not have to worry of how they are going to make ends meet. Workers who can clearly tell that what they are paid is not commensurate to their input eventually lose motivation and start putting in the least effort they need to get paid (Mudrack, 1992). Members of staff also need to feel powerful in order to give their best output. This can be achieved by allowing them to make some decisions regarding their line of work and inviting their suggestions when making critical decisions affecting the administration of the company.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Teamwork and Motivation: Woowooo Inc. specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Lear n More For instance, in Woowoo Inc., individuals from the sales department can be allowed to make independent contact with potential clients, as opposed to having their head tasked with the unilateral role initiate deals. Of the two methods of employee motivation, offering better payments is bound to achieve more results than giving the employees power. This is because a bigger section of the working population takes up jobs in order to earn livelihoods compared to those who work for personal gratification. It is only after individuals are convinced that they can pay rent and meet their other needs that they can start focusing on the other rewards they can get from the job. Motivating minimum-wage service workers One of the key methods for increasing the motivation of minimum-wage employees is to ensure that the communication channels between them and senior members of staff are kept open (Luthans and Stajkovic, 1999). Employees value being aware of the things happening in the com pany and letting them in on changes makes them feel appreciated, further increasing their output. This is in line with McClleland’s Human Motivation Theory, which holds affiliation as one of the three motivators that everybody has (Robbins, 2001). Minimum-wage workers who feel that they have a positive relationship with their bosses, through positive communication, tend to give their best in any takes that they take on. Recognizing the contribution of employees to the attainment of a company’s objectives is another method that can be effectively used to motivate minimum-wage service workers. A simple certificate can substantially increase a worker’s commitment to the fulfillment of his duties. McClleland’s theory lists achievement as a motivator and by making workers feel like they have attained a major goal makes them desire to do more. Another way of motivating minimum-wage service workers is through allowing them some freedom in scheduling. Letting the minimum-wage workers design their work schedule will let them set working hours that they are most comfortable with, further making them more productive in their respective departments.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Relevance of the individual worker in today’s organizational context Organizations run on the principle of meeting particular objectives. These objectives, when attained, are received to be the function of a collective effort (Robbins, 2001). However, when looked from a critical perspective, each individual in the company contributes to the successful achievement of the laid-down goals. For instance in order for the company Woowoo Inc. to produce enough widgets to meet the market demand, each of its four departments have to ensure that they fulfill their roles well. The administration department has to ensure that all the materials and requirements necessary for production are availed on time and are in the right quantities. The technology department then ensures that the systems work well before the assembly group starts their work. The sales team then picks up and gets the product in the market for consumers to buy. In this process, the different departments involved in the production and distribution of the product are regarded as singular entities, each comprising a number of workers. Going lower in the chain, we find the individual worker. In Woowoo Inc. the assembly department has a total of 35 workers. Each of these workers has his/her role in the process and when at work, if one of them does not play his role well, then the output is affected. This may present in the form of a defective product, or a reduction in the rate at which the widgets are produced. In this regard, the individual worker is the main engine of any institution, even though the contribution of peers, seniors and juniors is required to make the company run. INDIVIDUAL WORKER TEAM MEMBER Talks Me oriented Department focused Competitive Logical Written messages Image Secrecy Short-term sighted Immediate results Critical Tenure Listens Team oriented Organization focused Supportive Practical Written messages Purpose Transparency Long-term sighted Future results Corrective Des ire References Ambrose, M. L. Kulik, C. T. (1999). Old Friends, New Faces: Motivation Research in the 1990s. Journal of Management, 25(3), 231-292. Luthans, F. Stajkovic, A. D. (1999). Reinforce for performance: The need to go beyond pay and even rewards. Academy of Management Executive, 13(2), 79-57. Mudrack, P.E. (1992). Work or leisure? The protestant work ethic and participation in an employee fitness program. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 13, 81-88. Outram, J. Gilbert, T. (2003). Six key practices to link rewards to long-term financial success. Workspan, 46(1), 32-36. Robbins, S. P. (2001). Organizational Behavior. New Jersey: Pearson Custom Publishing. This research paper on Teamwork and Motivation: Woowooo Inc. was written and submitted by user Logan Chan to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Pantomime Essays - Pantomime, 19th-century Theatre, Circus Clown
Pantomime Essays - Pantomime, 19th-century Theatre, Circus Clown Pantomime Pantomime This paper is about pantomime, about its origin, its people, how it has evolved, and how wonderful it is. Pantomime is a dramatic performance in which a story is told or a theme developed through expressive bodily or facial movement. The origin of pantomime can be traced back to classical farce and the Italian Commedia Dellarte. Not all pantomime is silent. The completely silent performance of pantomime was invented in Rome. Pantomime is sometimes used to worship. Mime is a short way of saying pantomime and also means someone who performs pantomime. A mime, if performing on the streets, will have a hat that is passed around for spectators to put money in. When doing pantomime, it should be noted that the imaginative performance skills are illusion and illustration. Also, you should cultivate an understanding of the role that the body plays in suggesting an idea, an impression, a sensation, or a character. Pantomime can be done solo, or in a group of any size. Before performing, a mime must do warm-up and relaxation exercises. Miming takes mental and physical strength. Perfect coordination of all parts of the body is essential for expressive movement and graceful poise in pantomime. A good mime must be very flexible. You must be fluid at changing posture to create a character. Facial expression changes everything while performing pantomime. You must be very relaxed when doing pantomime. People speak different languages, but most gestures mean the same thing. Animals, insects especially, have probably done pantomime before humans were even alive. For example, bees do pantomime when telling others where nectar is, and peacocks use pantomime to impress a mate. Prehistoric man was next, after animals, to do pantomime. Prehistoric men would do pantomime to try to influence nature to let them get a kill while hunting. Before language, prehistoric men told about a hunt with pantomime. Prehistoric men would use pantomime to tell the history of the tribe. A clown named Grock became a very successful mime. He started as an acrobatic clown at a very young age. Grock became famous because he succeeded in the circus and in the music hall. After years of successfully performing in circuses, he tried his clown routine in a theater in Berlin. Grock began to move away from broad comedy in the Grimaldi tradition, and towards Debureus type of performance. In his first performance in a theater, the audience did not respond. Grock realized that the type of performance required for the theater is different than that required by the circus. Grock began to use a clown as a pantomime character whose actions comment on life. Grock went on to become one of the greatest performers of the variety stage. Grock used music to portray mans struggle with fate, just like Beethoven, but in a different way. Before Grock would play violin, he would throw the bow up in the air and try to catch it, but miss. Then he would retreat behind a screen to practice and the audience could see the bow flying above the screen. He returned to face the audience and missed again. He became so flustered that he threw the bow in the air and caught it without even knowing it! When Grock sat down on the piano bench to play piano and found that it was too far from the piano, he would struggle to push the piano closer to the bench! Like all good comedy, this reflected mans struggle to tame nature. The circus was saved from too much clown tradition in the 1940s by a man named Emmett Kelly. The costumes were getting too elaborate. The usual clown costume descended from the vari-colored costume of the Roman mimes. Originally, it was intended to symbolize rags, like the clown was an impractical guy who didnt get along in the real world. A long evolutionary process ended up with vari-colored, but elaborate costumes. The costumes reached some sort of peak when the Harlequin costumes of the English pantomime had as many as fifty-thousand sequins on them. Emmett Kelly brought back the original idea and wore a tramps costume of actual rags. The usual clown make-up is a bright colored pattern which serves as a trademark for each clown. Kelly wore make-up to match his
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Islam and Religion Essay
Islam and Religion Essay Islam and Religion Essay How does religion contribute to conflict in the Middle East? PURPOSE/THESIS I have chosen to prepare this project because I am concerned why so much conflict has happened over religion in the Middle East. The three major religions were birthed there so you would think it would be a little bit less tense for things about religion. Through research, I will inform try to motivate the reader to feel as concerned as I am. Innocent people are getting hurt just because of the religion they practice. I don’t think it is right and I hope you don’t either. METHODOLOGY October 5, 2012 I received my project October 17, 2012 I searched â€Å"religion conflict in the Middle East†on Google and got some information. October 20, 2012 I got some more information on my topic off of Google. October 20, 2012 I wrote my thesis and got more information for my report. October 27, 2012 I started my report and my backboard. October 28, 2012 I finished my report and typed it up. October 28, 2012 I put my papers and pictures on my backboard. October 29, 2012 I completed my project. Religion gives each person the chance to express how they feel about the world. There are three dominant religions in the Middle East that contribute to conflict. They are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Islam is a religion of peace. Judaism stands for peace, equality, and love. Christianity is a religion of peace and love. In every century of history of these religions you will find a marked rise of intolerance, violence, and war. I am concerned as to why the Middle East has so much conflict toward religion. The three major religions birthed there so you would think there would be less conflict in this area. I feel bad that innocent people get hurt just because of the religion they practice. Christians in Arab states suffer from perspective from Muslim leadership. They believe that Christians should be second-class citizens or not be able to profess their faith. Why shouldn’t anyone be able to freely express themselves through religion? I would want to be able to let peopl e know who I worship. Even when you try to impose your will to another religious group there is trouble. In Lebanon Sunni and Shia Muslims and Christians attempted to impose their will on two other religious groups. It ended up in civil war. It’s like they don’t even want to be cordial with one another. There were short periods of time when Christians got along with Muslims, Jews got along with Christians, and Muslims lived peacefully among Jews. Too bad that didn’t last long. It would have been nice to see everyone getting along. Jews in Israel and the occupied territories attacked and harassed non-Jews. They lived on the
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Discussion Week 8 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Discussion Week 8 - Assignment Example One day she calls me and tells me she wanted 34 perfumes that different friends had asked for. This was the biggest order I had ever landed. I did not have the all the perfumes she wanted on hand, but I called my supplier and purchased the perfumes I needed. This was a great experience for me. Word of mouth advertising can help increase consumer sales because this is a way for customers to recruit other customers. The outcome of the encounter was that I was able to achieve my biggest sale by providing great customer service to a client. The customer recruited other clients for me as a favor. As a consequence of this event I was motivated to continue my self-employment. A few months later I found a full-time job and stop selling perfumes. The salesman experience helped me improve my people skills. A mistake that I regret associated with the 34 perfume sale experience was that I did not follow on that sale after obtaining such as good sales lead. A way for a business to prosper is by increasing its customer retention rate. Increasing the customer retention rates can help increase the profitability of a firm
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